An Index of Lives of Saints Arranged in Chronological Order
For the five volumes now currently available of the "The Lives of Saints," published by Chrysostom Press. Note: Dates are approximate (there is some variation among different sources) and generally mark the repose of the saint. O.T. The Holy Prophet Moses, the Godseer (Sep. 4) O.T. The Holy Prophet Daniel and the Three Youths Ananias, Azarias, and Misael (Dec. 17) O.T. The Holy Prophet Hosea (Oct. 17) O.T. The Holy Prophet Joel (Oct. 19) O.T. The Holy Prophet Obadiah (Nov. 19) O.T. The Holy Prophet Jonah (Sep. 22) O.T. The Holy Prophet Nahum (Dec. 1) O.T. The Holy Prophet Habakkuk (Dec. 2) O.T. The Holy Prophet Zephaniah (Dec. 3) O.T. The Holy Prophet Haggai (Dec. 16) O.T. The Holy Prophet Malachi (Jan. 3) O.T./N.T. The Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers (Nov. 8) N.T. The Holy Prophet Zacharias, Father of the Forerunner (Sep. 5) N.T. The Conception of St. John the Forerunner (Sep. 23) N.T. Synaxis of St. John the Forerunner (Jan. 7) Narrative Concerning the Hand of the Forerunner (Jan. 7) N.T. The Holy Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna (Sep. 9) N.T. The Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos (Dec. 9) N.T. Nativity of the Most Pure Theotokos (Sep. 8) N.T. The Entrance into the Temple of Our Most Pure Lady, The Theotokos (Nov. 21) The Protection of our Most Pure Lady, the Theotokos (Oct. 1) N.T. The Holy Righteous Joseph the Betrothed (Dec. 26) N.T. The Nativity of our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ (Dec. 25) N.T. A Narrative of the Nativity of Christ (Dec. 25) N.T. A Homily by St. Demetrius of Rostov (Dec. 25) N.T. A Narrative of the Adoration of the Magi (Dec. 25) N.T. Homily on the Circumcision of the Lord (Jan. 1) N.T. The Meeting of the Lord: Homily by St. Demetrius of Rostov (Feb 2) N.T. The Righteous Symeon the God-receiver (Feb 3) N.T. A Narrative of the Flight into Egypt (Dec. 25) N.T. The Holy 14,000 Infants Slain in Bethlehem (Dec. 29) N.T. The Theophany of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ (Jan. 6) N.T. Synaxarion for Theophany (Jan. 6) N.T. Homily by St. John Chrysostom (Jan. 6) N.T. Homily by St. Demetrius of Rostov (Jan. 6) N.T. The Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen (Dec. 27) N.T. The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called (Nov. 30) [Greece, Russia] N.T. A Homily on the Holy Apostle Andrew, written by St. John Chrysostom (Nov. 30) N.T. The Honored Chains of the Holy Apostle Peter (Jan. 16) N.T. The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke (Oct. 18) [Beothia] N.T. The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew (Nov. 16) [Ethiopia] N.T. The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (Sep. 26) N.T. The Holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord (Oct. 23) [Jerusalem] N.T. The Holy Apostle Thomas (Oct. 6) [India] N.T. The Holy Martyr Longinus, the Centurion Who Stood by the Cross (Oct. 16) N.T. The Holy Apostle Philip (Nov. 14) N.T. The Holy Apostle Quadratus of the Seventy (Sep. 21) N.T. The Holy Apostle Timothy, One of the Seventy (Jan. 22) N.T. Synaxis of the Holy Seventy Apostles (Jan. 4) N.T. The Holy Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion (Sep. 13) N.T. and (Apostolic) The Holy Apostle Onesimus of the Seventy (Feb 15) (Apostolic) The Holy Protomartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles Thecla (Sep. 24) (Apostolic) The Holy Apostle Ananias (Oct. 1) (Apostolic) The Holy Apostles Evodus and Onesiphorus (Sep. 7) (Apostolic) The holy Hieromartyr Hierotheus, Bishop of Athens (Oct. 4) (Apostolic) The Holy Apostle James, Son of Alpheus (Oct. 9) (Apostolic) The Holy Apostle Phillip, One of the Seven Deacons (Oct. 11) (Apostolic) The Holy Apostles Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apellas, and Aristobulus of the Seventy (Oct. 31) (Apostolic) The Holy Martyrs Nicander, Bishop of Myra and Hermas the Presbyter (Nov. 4) (Apostolic) The Holy Apostles Olympas, Herodion, Sosipater, Erastus, Quartus, and Tertius (Nov. 10) (Apostolic) The Holy Apostles Philemon and Archippus and the Martyr Apphia (Nov. 22) 1st c. The Holy Martyrs Nazarius, Gervasius, Protasius, and Celsius (Oct. 14) [Emperor Nero] 81-96 A.D. St. Zosimas the Desert-dweller (Sep. 19) [Emperor Domitian - Nazareth, Palestine] 96 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite (Oct. 3) [Domition] 98-117 A.D. The Holy Great Martyr Eustathius Placidas (Sep. 20) [Emperors Titus and Trajan - Rome, Egypt] 98-117 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Romulus and Eudoxius (Sep. 6) [Emperor Trajan, Armenia] 98-117 A.D. Translation of the Relics of St. Ignatius the God-bearer (Jan. 29) [Trajan] 98-117 A.D. The Holy Martyr Phocas, the Gardener of Sinope (Sep. 22) [Emperor Trajan - by the Black Sea] 101 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome (Nov. 25) 106 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer (Dec. 20) [Trajan, Antioch] 120 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Eleutherius and His Mother Anthia (Dec. 15) [Hadrian] 117-138 A.D. The Holy Martyr Eupsychius (Sep. 7) [Emperor Hadrian] 117-138 A.D. The Holy Martyr Ariadne (Sep. 18) [Emperor Hadrian - Phrygia] 126 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, and Love, and their Mother, Sophia (Sep. 17) [Emperor Hadrian, Rome] 138-161 A.D. St. Abercius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Bishop of Hierapolis (Oct. 22) [Emperor Antoninus] 138-161 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Victor and Stephanida (Nov. 11) [Emperor Antoninus] 161-180 A.D. Martyrs Speusippus, Eleusippus, and Meleusippus (Jan. 16) [Marcus Aurelius] Before 167 A.D. St. Bucolus, Bishop of Smyrna (Feb 6) 167 A.D. Holy Hieromartyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (Feb 23) 225 A.D. The Holy Virgin-martyr Tatiana (Jan. 12) 230 A.D. The Holy Martyr Cecilia and the Martyrs Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus (Nov. 22) 236 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Hippolytus of Rome (Jan. 30) 250 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Babylas (Sep. 4) [Emperor Numerian, Antioch] 250 A.D. The Holy Martyr Tryphon (Feb 1) 250 A.D. The Holy Martyr Epimachus (Oct. 31) [Decius] 250 A.D. The Holy Martyr Paramon (Nov. 29) 250 A.D. The Ten Holy Martyrs of Crete (Dec. 23) [Decius, Crete] 250 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Thyrsus, Leucius, and Callinicus (Dec. 14) [Decius] 25? A.D. The Holy great Martyr Mercurius (Nov. 24) 249-251 A.D. The Holy Martyr Anastasia the Roman (Oct. 29) [Decius] 251 A.D. The Holy Martyr Myrope (Dec. 2) 251 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Carpus, Papylas, Agathadorus, and Agathonica (Oct. 13) 251 A.D. The Holy Virgin-martyr Agatha (Feb. 5) 253 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Galacteon and Episteme (Nov. 5) 259 A.D. The Holy Martyr Polyeuctus (Jan. 9) [Valerian] 262 A.D. The Holy Martyr Eugenia the Virgin (Dec 24) 266 A.D. The Holy Martyr Plato (Nov. 18) 270 A.D. St. Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neo-Caesarea (Nov. 17) 275 A.D. The Holy Martyr Mamas (Sep. 2) [Emperor Aurelian, Caesarea] 277 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dorymedon (Sep. 19) [Emperor Probus, Antioch] 285 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Zenobius, Bishop of Aegae, and His Sister Zenobia (Oct. 30) 290 A.D. The Holy Martyr Euphrasia (Jan. 19) [Maximian] Late 3rd c. The Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Holy Martyr Justina the Virgin (Oct. 2) 298 A.D. The Holy Martyr Hieron and His Companions (Nov. 7) 284-305 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius (Nov. 9) [Diocletian] 284-305 A.D. The Holy Martyr Orestes (Nov. 10) [Diocletian, Maximian] 284-305 A.D. The Holy Great Martyr Parasceva (Oct. 28) [Diocletian] 284-305 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus (Oct. 12) [Diocletian] 284-305 A.D. The Holy Martyr Theodula (Feb. 5) 286-305 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Menas, Mermogenes, and Eugraphus (Dec. 10) [Maximian] 286-305 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia (Oct. 10) [Maximian] 286-305 A.D. The Holy Martyr Theotecnus (Oct. 10) [Maximian] 284-305 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes (Dec. 13) [Diocletian, Maximian] 284-305 A.D. The Holy Martyr Neophytus (Jan. 21) [Diocletian] 284-305 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Valerian, Candidus, Aquila, and Eugene (Jan. 21) [Diocletian] 284-305 A.D. The Holy Martyr Philemon and Those With Him (Dec. 14) [Diocletian] 286-305 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Eustace, Thespesius, and Anatolius (Nov. 20) [Maximian] 287 A.D. The Holy Martyr Sebastian and Those With Him (Dec. 18) 290 A.D. The Holy Martyr Boniface and St. Aglaida (Dec. 19) 298 A.D. The Holy Martyr Anysia the Virgin (Dec. 30) 298 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theonas (Jan. 5) 302 A.D. The Holy 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia (Dec. 28) 303 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus (Oct. 7) 303 A.D. The Holy Great Martyr Euphemia (Sep. 16) [Proconsul Priscus, Chalcedon] 303 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia (Sep. 3) [Diocletian and Maximian] 303 A.D. The holy Martyrs Romanus and Barulas (Nov. 18) 303 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Gurias, Samonas, and Abibus, the Confessors (Nov. 15) [Diocletian] 304 A.D. The Holy Martyr Juliana the Virgin and Those With Her (Dec. 21) 304 A.D. The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia, the Deliverer from Bonds, and Those With Her (Dec. 22) 304 A.D. The Holy Martyr Lucia the Virgin (Dec. 13) 304 A.D. The Holy Martyr Sozon (Sep. 7) [Maximian, Silicia] 304 A.D. The Holy Great Martyr Menas (Nov. 11) [Egypt] 304 A.D. The Holy Martyr Vincent the Deacon (Nov. 11) 304 A.D. The Holy Martyr Barlaam the Elder (Nov. 19) 304 A.D. A Homily on Barlaam, written by St. Basil (Nov. 19) 304 A.D. A Homily on Barlaam, written by St. John Chrysostom (Nov. 19) 304 A.D. The Holy Martyr Varus and the Seven Christian teachers with Him, and the Blessed Cleopatra and Her Son John (Oct. 19) [Maximian] 305 A.D. The Holy Virgin-martyr Agnes (Jan. 21) 305 A.D. The Holy Martyrs and Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Arabia (Oct. 17) [Diocletian and Maximian] 303-311 A.D. The Holy Virgin Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora (Sep. 10) [Governor Fronton - Asian Bithynia] 306 A.D. The Holy Martyr Nestor (Oct. 27) 306 A.D. The Holy Great-martyr Barbara (Dec. 4) 309 A.D. The Holy Virgin Martyr Basilissa of Nicomedia (Sep. 3) [Diocletian and Maximian] 310 A.D. The Holy Great Martyr Catherine (Nov. 24) 311 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria (Nov. 25) 311 A.D. The Holy Unmercenary Healers Cyrus and John, and the Holy Martyrs Athanasia and Her Three Daughters (Jan. 31) 311 A.D. The Holy Martyr Peter the Absalomite (Jan. 12) 312 A.D. The Holy Martyr Lucian, the Presbyter of Antioch (Oct. 15) 312 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, and Agathangelus (Jan. 23) 312-323 A.D. The Holy Martyr Severian (Sep. 9) [Emperor Licinius, Sebaste] 312-323 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Autonomus (Sep. 12) [Diocletian - Italy, Bithynia in Asia] 313 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Julian and Basilissa (Jan. 8) Early 4th c. The Holy Martyr Callistratus (Sep. 27) [Carthage] Early 4th c. St. Niphon, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus (Dec. 23) [contemporary of St. Athanasius] 4th c. The Holy Martyrs Acepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Presbyter, and Aethalas the Deacon (Nov. 3) [King Sapor, Persia] 4th c. The Holy Martyr Nicetas the Goth (Sep. 15) 4th c. Massacre of the Holy Fathers at Sinai and Raithou (Jan. 14) 320 A.D. The Holy Martyr Gordius (Jan. 3) 324 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus (Jan. 13) [Emperor Licinius] (Pre-Constantine) The Holy Martyrs Eusebius and Priscus (Sep. 21) (Pre-Constantine) The Holy Martyr Theodotus of Alexandria (Sep. 13) (Pre-Constantine) The Holy Martyrs Terence and Neonilla and Their Seven Children (Oct. 28) 325 A.D. The Dedication of the Temple of the Resurrection in Jerusalem (Sep. 13) 325 A.D. The Elevation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross (Sep. 14) 330 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyr Gregory, Bishop of Armenia (Sep. 30) 335 A.D. St. Sylvester, Pope of Rome (Jan. 2) 340 A.D. Our Holy Mother Thais the Nun (Oct. 8) 340 A.D. Our Holy Father Paul the Simple (Oct. 4) 342 A.D. Our Holy Father Paul of Thebes (Jan. 15) (Unknown Desert Father) A Certain God-fearing Recluse (Feb 4) 343 A.D. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra (Dec. 6) 348 A.D. St. Spyridon, Bishop of Tremithus (Dec. 12) 350 A.D. St. James, Bishop of Nisibis (Jan. 13) 350 A.D. Our Holy Mother Syncletica the Nun (Jan. 5) 350 A.D. Our Holy Father Ammon (Oct. 4) 350 A.D. Our Holy Father Chariton the Confessor (Sep. 28) [Emperor Aurelian, Iconium] 351 A.D. St. Paul the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople (Nov. 6) 355 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Acindynus, Pegasius, Anempodistus, Elpidephorus, and Aphthonius (Nov. 2) [King Sapor, Persia] 355 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius (Oct. 25) 356 A.D. St. Anthony the Great (Jan. 17) [Egypt] 360 A.D. Our Holy Father Abramius the Recluse and His Niece, Blessed Mary (Oct. 29) [Edessa, Mesopotamia] 362 A.D. The Holy Martyr Artemius (Oct. 20) 364-378 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Urban, Theodore, and Medimnus (Sep. 5) [Emperor Valens - an Arian] 372 A.D. Our Holy Father Hilarion the Great (Oct. 21) 373 A.D. Our Holy Father Ephraim the Syrian (Jan. 28) 373 A.D. St. Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria (Jan. 18) [Egypt] 377 A.D. Our Holy Father Euthymius the Great (Jan. 20) 379 A.D. St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia (Jan. 1) 379-395 A.D. Our Holy Father Andronicus and His Holy Spouse Athanasia (Oct. 9) [Emperor Theodosius the Great] 379-395 A.D. Our Holy Mother Euphrosyne the Nun of Alexandria (Sep. 25) 389 A.D. St. Gregory the Theologian, Patriarch of Constantinople (Jan. 25) 390 A.D. Our Holy Father Macarius of Egypt (Jan. 19) 395 A.D. St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (Jan. 10) 395 A.D. St. Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium (Nov. 23) 397 A.D. St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (Dec. 7) 400 A.D. The Holy Martyr James the Persian (Nov. 27) 407 A.D. St. John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople (Nov. 13) (Pre-Nestorian, before 428 A.D.) Our Holy Fathers Barlaam and Joasaph of India (Nov. 19) 431 A.D. St. Paulinus the Merciful, Bishop of Nola (Jan. 23) 436 A.D. Our Holy Father Isidore of Pelusium (Feb 4) 438 A.D. Our Holy Mother Melania the Roman (Dec. 31) 438 A.D. Translation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom (Jan. 27) 446 A.D. St. Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople (Nov. 20) 450 A.D. Our Holy Mother Xenia the Nun (Jan. 24) 450 A.D. Our Holy Father Nilus the Faster (Nov. 12) 450 A.D. Our Holy Father John the Hut-dweller (Jan. 15) 450 A.D. Our Holy Monastic Father Isidore of Pelusium (Feb. 4) (Pre-Chalcedon, >451 A.D.) Our Holy Fathers Karion and Zacharias (Dec. 5) [Egypt] 5th c. Sts. Xenophon and Mary, and Their Sons John and Arcadius (Jan. 26) 5th c. Second Massacre of the Fathers at Sinai and Raithu (Jan. 14) 453 A.D. St. Pulcheria the Empress (Sep. 10) 460 A.D. St. Symeon the Stylite (Sep. 1) 461 A.D. Our Holy Mother Pelagia the Nun (Oct. 8) 470 A.D. Our Holy Mother Apollinaria (Jan. 5) 471 A.D. St. Marcian the Presbyter (Jan. 10) 474 A.D. Our Holy Mother Domnica the Nun (Jan. 8) 486 A.D. Our Holy Father Markellus, Abbot of the Monastery of the Sleepless Ones (Dec. 29) 489 A.D.) Our Holy Father Daniel the Stylite (Dec. 11) 490 A.D. Our Holy Mother Theodora of Alexandria (Sep. 11) 492 A.D. Our Holy Mother Matrona (Nov. 9) Late 5th c. St. Gregory, Archbishop of Homer (Dec. 19) 523 A.D. The Holy Martyr Arethas (Oct. 24) 529 A.D. Our Holy Father Theodosius the Coenobiarch (Jan. 11) 530 A.D. St. Romanus the Melodist, Author of Kontakia (Oct. 1) 532 A.D. Our Holy Father Sabbas the Sanctified (Dec. 5) 553 A.D. St. Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum (Nov. 23) 556 A.D. Our Holy Father Cyriacus the Hermit (Sep. 29) 558 A.D. Our Holy Father John the Silent (Dec. 3) 6th c. St. Boniface the Merciful, Bishop of Florence (Dec. 19) 6th c. Our Holy Father David of Egypt (Sep. 6) 6th c. St. Peter the Publican (Sep. 22) [Emperor Justinian] 6th c. St. Dometian, Bishop of Melitene (Jan. 10) 586 A.D. The Holy Martyr Hermeningilda, Prince of the Goths (Nov. 1) 595 A.D. St. John the Faster, Archbishop of Constantinople (Sep. 2) 620 A.D. St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria (Nov. 12) 628 A.D. The Holy Martyr Anastasius the Persian (Jan. 22) 640 A.D. Our Holy Father Alypius the Stylite (Nov. 26) Our Holy Father Acacius of Sinai (Nov. 29) [found in the "Ladder of Divine Ascent," by St. John Climacus +649 A.D.] 662 A.D. St. Maximus the Confessor (Jan. 21) 7th c. Our Holy Father Patapius of Thebes (Dec. 8) 7th c. Our Holy Father George the Chozebite (Jan. 8) 7th c. Our Holy Father Eumenes, Bishop of Gortyna (Sep. 18) 8th c. Our Holy Father Cosmas, Bishop of Maiuma (Oct. 12) 8th c. Our Holy Father Theophilus the Confessor (Oct. 10) [Leo Isaurian-iconoclasm] (Holy Icons/Iconoclasm) The Miracle Worked by the Icon of Our Lord Jesus Christ at Beirut (Oct. 11) 730 A.D. The Holy Hieromartyrs Hypatius and Andrew (Sep. 21) 749 A.D. Our Holy Father John of Damascus (Dec. 4) 767 A.D. The Holy Martyr Stephen the New (Nov. 28) 767 A.D. The Holy Martyr Andrew of Crete (Oct. 17) 797 A.D. The Holy Righteous Philaret the Almsgiver (Dec. 1) Late 8th c. St. Stephen the Confessor, Archbishop of Surrentium (Dec. 15) 9th c. Our Holy Father Gregory the Decapolite (Nov. 20) 9th c. Our Holy Father Nicholas, the Former General (Dec. 24) 9th c. St. Euphrosynus the Cook (Sep. 11) 9th c. Our Holy Father Eustratius (Jan. 9) 826 A.D. Our Holy Father Theodore the Studite (Nov. 11) 845 A.D. St. Theodore the Branded, Brother of St. Theophanes the Hymnographer (Dec. 27) 846 A.D. Our Holy Father Joannicius the Great (Nov. 4) 847 A.D. Our Holy Father Theophanes the Confessor and Composer of Canons (Oct 11) 868 A.D. Our Holy Monastic Father Nicholas the Confessor, Abbot of the Studium (Feb. 4) 881 A.D. Our Holy Mother Theoctista of Lesbos (Nov. 9) 892 A.D. The Blessed Empress Theophania, Consort of Leo the Wise (Dec. 16) Late 9th c. Our Holy Father Euthymius the New (Oct. 15) 10th c. Our Holy father John of Rila (Oct. 19) [Bulgaria] 911 A.D. St. Andrew, the Fool for Christ's Sake (Oct. 2) 11th c. Our Holy Father Damian, Presbyter and Healer of the Kiev Caves (Oct. 5) 11th c. Our Holy Father Jeremiah of the Kiev Caves (Oct. 5) 11th c. Our Holy Father Matthew of the Kiev Caves (Oct. 5) 11th c. Our Holy Mother Parasceva of Serbia (Oct. 14) 11th c. Synaxis of the Holy Three Hierarchs, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom (Jan. 30) 11th c. Our Holy Fathers Mark and Theophilus of the Kiev Caves (Dec. 29) 1065 A.D. Our Holy Father Barlaam of the Kiev Caves (Nov. 19) 1093 A.D. St. Gregory, Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves (Jan. 8) 1096 A.D. Our Holy Father Ephraim the Eunuch, Bishop of Pereyslavl (Jan. 28) 12th c. Our Holy Father Abramius of Rostov (Oct. 29) 1101 A.D. Our Holy Father Nicon the Withered (Dec. 11) 1108 A.D. Our Holy Father Nicetas, Recluse of the Kiev Caves (Jan. 31) 1114 A.D. Our Holy Father Nestor the Chronicler (Oct. 27) 1143 A.D. Our Holy Father Nicholas Sviatosha, Prince of Chernigov (Oct. 14) 1148 A.D. Our Holy Fathers Spyridon and Nicodemus, Prosphora-bakers of the Kiev Caves (Oct. 31) 1176 A.D. Our Holy Father Athanasius of the Kiev Caves (Dec. 2) 1185 A.D. Our Holy Father John, Archbishop of Novgorod (Sep. 7) 1190 A.D. Our Holy Father Arethas of the Kiev Caves (Oct. 24) 1193 A.D. Our Holy Father Barlaam of Khutyn (Nov. 6) 1194 A.D. Our Holy Father Lawrence, Recluse of the Kiev Caves (Jan. 29) 1244 A.D. The Holy Martyrs Michael, Prince of Chernigov, and His Boyar, Theodore (Sep. 20) 1326 A.D. St. Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev (Dec. 21) 1359 A.D. St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica (Nov. 14) 1392 A.D. St. Sergius of Radonezh (Sep. 25) 1406 A.D. Our Holy Father Sabbas of Storozha (Dec. 3) 1426 A.D. Our Holy Father Nicon of Radonezh (Nov. 17) 1441 or 1451 A.D. Our Holy Father Gregory, Wonder-worker of Vologda (Sep. 30) 1505 A.D. Our Holy Father Ephraim, Wonderworker of Novotorzhok (Jan. 28) 1540 A.D. Saint James the Wonderworker of Borovichi (Oct. 23) 1570 A.D. St. Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod (Nov. 5) 1575 A.D. Sts. Gurias, Archbishop of Kazan, and Barsanuphius Bishop of Tver (Oct. 4) 1581 A.D. The Holy Great Martyr Demetrius (Oct. 26) (Date Unknown) The Holy Unmercenaries and Wonder-workers Cosmas and Damian (Nov. 1)
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